
Splatoon RP Chapter 1 - Turf War Tournament Begins

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Inks stands at the 35th annual Turf War Championship sign up. He receives a coding, "D2" scribbled on a paper. "Let's get this shit over with, don't want to be in a sucky ass team again." Inks grumbles, he drags his feet entering the lobby. Each Inkling that signed up had obviously gotten there before him, thus were mingling in the main lobby before the first match. The announcer had already notified the teams of this, so there wasn't much time left before the members were to be gathered.

Two Inklings were sitting on a bench, looking up to a female who was giving pointers on her strategy. "Get it? Let's kick some ass then." She grinned as the two fist pumped.
Inks looks at his team, noticing the female Inkling giving out strategy. He didn't hear the strategy at all and wanders in and raises his hand. "Oi, this must be team D2. I'm Inks." Inks manages to utter out, he sits down on the bench next to the two other Inklings. "Hm? Oh, there's our fourth." The Inkling grinned with a pat on Inks' back. "Nice to meet ya. I'm Dart." She gestured to the other two, and since the writers don't have names for these two, we bullshit the topic by moving on.

As Dart explained her strategy, moments later the announcer called for the first two teams out onto the field. D2 and A5.
"Welp, that's us. Let's go!" Inks moans annoyed and gets up after hearing the announcer. Joining his new team they teleport onto the battlefield.

 He looks around, narrowing his eyes inspecting the field. Urchin Underpass... The very first field where he started his Turf War, still remembering the chaos and otherworldly delays in his motion. Inks slams his Krak-On Splat Roller on the floor awaiting for the start sign. "Dart, A, B... We are going to wreck the other team." A confident grin spread across Dart's face, "That's what I like to hear!"

Moments of anticipation were crashing over the team, and the second the sign to start appeared, A and B were the first to shove off. Dart had also moved forward with some impressive speed, throwing some ink down around the base before moving ahead.
Turning into a squid, Inks shoots forward jumping around into puddles of ink and rolling the ground into their color. Instead of heading to the main passage, he inks the fence and squids through it to color more of the ground, charging up more, he reaches the end of the side passage and jumps up to the corner and places a Beakon. On the middle field, he sees his team fighting the opponents. He watches them closely before feeling ink flying by. Inks looks down seeing an opponent shooting at him, turning into a squid he manages to sneak down to an ink puddle of his color swinging his Roller, splatting the opponent. Inks heads back into squid form, sneaking around.
Meanwhile, on the main battleground, Dart could be seen whacking the other team with her Inkbrush. One member of the opposite team made the grave mistake of following her. She dove down in squid form into her own ink, placing an Ink Mine at her feet before hiding once again in squid form. Moments later, beep beep- SPLAT. There went another enemy. Dart grinned and continued to cover the turf.
Hearing a beeping and a Inkling shouting, he sees Dart grinning as she runs around with her Inkbrush. He sees the opponents teaming up. Heading back to squid form after coloring the area in their color he notices them following him. "Shit shit shit shit! Damn assholes!" Inks shouts as he is being chased and hit a few times but not enough to splat him. His eyes widen as he turns and shouts loudly. "RELEASE THE ME!!" Transforming into a Kraken, Inks turns and chases the opponents seeing them trying to scatter, he jump spins splatting one of them and hits a second one without realizing as he swims away quickly before transforming back.
Taking a breather to regain her ink, Dart pops up from the ink on a ledge to see Inks roughing up the other team. She smirked, watching the other team get splattered before heading back into the fray. As most of the turf was in their favor, all they needed to keep up with was keeping the enemy off their land. Dart rushed over to Inks in squid form, popping up behind him to splat an oncoming enemy. "You got some damn good skills, Inks. I haven't seen much of a challenge just yet."

A and B were somewhere in the area, perhaps battling it out with other players. After they took over the middle field, Inks runs towards the opponents' side, having Dart behind him complimenting him. He blushes a bit but hides it from Dart, instead he starts shouting out, roaring as he charges forward. As soon he enters the opponents' side he shoots to the right into a corner placing another Beakon and heads towards the side passage again marking it, he turns around seeing an opponent snickering and starts Bomb rushing him with Suction Bombs. "Nowhere to go!" The opponent shouts. "You ass!" Inks shouts when he sees the Suction Bomb spam fly around him, running back to the middle field and turning into a squid he hides instantly seeing the idiot appear and running further. Inks chases him and jumps out splatting another opponent before heading back into the opponents' side.
The two enemies who had just reappeared were closing in on Dart. She would lay down another Ink Mine, hiding behind a corner as the two rushed into their territory.

One of them had a Splat Roller, so it was going to be difficult timing. Of course, one saw the mine and backed away while their partner got splattered. Dart smirked and rushed out from the corner to slash at the remaining Inkling with her brush, only to be hit down to what would be 1 HP by their brush. She quickly hid away in their ink, hiding once again as the roller sped by. The Inkling's eyes narrowed, rushing ahead with her brush to splatter the enemy before her. "HA! That'll teach ya."
Entering the opponent’s side again, Inks starts zipping around marking the area in their color, he hears a noise and looks in the sky seeing one of their team mate firing an Inkstrike. Inks snickers seeing the Inkstrike crash in and coloring more in their color, he sees the respawned opponents returning, not amused at how much of the field is not in their color. Instantly spotting Inks, they decide to head at him, Inks instantly charges at them shouting. "Want a piece of me?! Come at get it!" Having built enough to transform into Kraken again as he starts splatting again and marking more of the field.
The announcer soon called out, "We only have ten seconds before the match ends! What a sight to see!"

Ten seconds? Now was the time to be both a jerk and show the other teams that they meant business. When Inks had splattered most of the enemy, Dart took a stand on a platform and brought out her own Inkstrike. Choosing the spot where the enemy spawns, she grinned and waited for a few seconds before firing it. The Inkstrike shot down over the enemy base, once again splatting whoever had just spawned. A siren then sounded for the match to be over, and Dart stood next to her Inkbrush with a wide grin. "WooHOO!"
Hearing the siren sound, Inks squats holding the roller on his shoulder. He sighs out from all the running around, he looks to the side seeing Dart with a big smirk. "How many rounds left until the finals?" He wonders out loud and stands back up, he walks past Dart heading to the lobby. "Good game, girl." He watches A and B walking in front of him, hearing the crowd shouting in excitement. "You too, buddy." Dart grinned with joy, brushing one of her tentacle bangs aside. A and B waved to the crowd, both jumping in joy having won their first match. The announcer brought up the leaderboard on the lobby's screen, showing Dart and Inks' team rising up to the next level. The levels themselves seemed like there was about two more matches before the final round.

Dart placed a hand on her chin and pondered, "Well, we're headin' on up. Looks like we're sittin' around for the next match to end." Inks pushes his pinky in his ear, scratching it and yawns. "Good, I can take a nice nap and stuff myself." He looks at A and B wondering if he should bother asking their names instead of making them look like a bunch of flunkies. Walking to a closet in the lobby he looks around at all the purchased clothes he bought and switches them around to have different abilities.

His T-shirt the same, his shoes switched out and puts on a cap, he checks some more things. Heading back to lay on the bench and falls asleep.
They had a good hour to kill before their next match, so taking a bit to eat and rest was a good idea. Dart even took her team and treated them to a meal while they had the chance... and of course it was after Inks' nap. While eating their food, Dart took a drink and set her glass down, looking towards A and B, "So the first match went pretty damn well, though I noticed on the way here that the other teams were givin' us some dirty looks. I guess we're already on their shit list. Whaddya think we should do to prepare?" Inks being busy with stuffing himself, eating and munching, grumbling when Dart asks about any plans. "Mmmmnnmmm, kill,,, mnnn, grapg.... Just kill.," After stuffing himself, Inks sighs burping satisfied with the food. "About preparation, all I need is my Krak-On Splat Roller. Might let it be fine-tuned at that Minion looking jerk at the Plaza." Inks responds while picking his teeth.
Dart looked perplexed for a moment. She always had a plan for her team on the outside of Turf Wars, yet now she just had a guy who didn't really care except to sneak around and kill. Of course, that didn't stop her from responding, "Well, whatever ya want, bud. For all I care, we can all just be spontaneous in the next match. Let's see how that goes." A and B agreed.

"Should we fix up our weapons before we go back?" A asked. "I don't see why not." B replied. The two went off after finishing their meal, leaving Dart and Inks at the table. "What about you?" Inks suddenly asks as he looks at Dart. He picks his teeth with his finger. "Are you going to fine-tune your weapon?" He watches A and B running off to fix theirs, he looks at the Inkling girl as her expression has changed. "Mm... nah. I usually fix up my own weapons." She sat back in her chair, satisfied with her meal. "Besides. I doubt they'd be able to do much for that old thing."
Inks looks to the side and sighs slightly. "Hmmmmm, well I kinda expected that lil minion to make me pay too much for weapons and his repairs." He stands up and takes his Roller and checks it out. "Got anything to improve it?" Upon looking it over, she 'hmm'ed for a moment before she asked, "How often do you run out of ink? I know the rollers are similar to the brush, and they use more ink, but yours looks pretty worn out." She pointed out that the spongy part of said roller was torn in a few places. Inks looks at Dart. "Well I normally run really fast out of ink, but ever since I had to do some weird ass dangerous errands from some old fart, I got a custom built Inktank that had more capacity." He looks at the spongy part being worn out. "Maybe replace this part with a sturdier part." "Then durability is what ya need. I'd be happy to help out with that, but unfortunately there's not a whole lotta time before our next match." Dart stood and looked to a TV showing the match going on at that moment. Looking closer, she noticed that they still had a few matches to go before starting the next round. "I stand corrected. We have plenty of time. Let's get that roller upgraded." "Alright, let's upgrade this old thing." Inks takes his Inktank and puts it on his back.
He follows Dart and looks around when he hears a voice familiar, Inks starts frowning slightly.

Around the corner, the Squid Sisters arrive, they both spot Dart and Inks together. Even the sound of the bubblier one gave Dart the sense of frustration. It had been awhile since they've seen those two in person. "Hellooooo~!" Waved Callie. "Ooh great." Dart groaned, scratching her cheek.
"Hey Inks, good game out there, seemed to be less cussing this time." Marie says with an uninterested smile. Inks looks at Marie poking her nose. "I don't want to hear that from little miss nothing interests me." Dart had already met her palm to her face. She sighed and tried to smile for them, "I guess he ended up with a luckier team. We killed it in the first round." Callie had immediately gripped Dart in a tight hug, almost lifting her from the ground, "I knoooow! You two did great out there!" "Urck. Callie... not breathing." Dart hacked before being let go. "Heheh~! Sorry, I'm just excited for you. You haven't been in a tournament in forever!" Callie replied with a sway of her hips.
Inks watches Callie tightly hug Darts and feels Marie closing in and shows her little smile again. "Inks, I noticed you and her being almost in sync with the match, are you two--." "Shut up Marie! I don't want to talk about it." Inks interrupts as he crosses his arms and pouts hiding half his face in his shirt. He starts murmuring and growling incoherent words and gets louder when he hears Maria giggling. "I'm just glad you two work so hard out there! I don't see much competitive sports nowadays. It's mostly cheating or just plain ol' quitters. Glad to see that Daggz let you out for once, heheh~!" "Eh, he's got better things to do. Plus there aren't any chores around the house." Dart shrugged, trying to brush off what Callie mentioned.
"How's that old fart doing anyway?" Inks asks as he looks at Marie, Marie looks up. "He's doing well, we've had to ban him from eating biscuits though." "Good, don't want to fight that DJ asshole again." Inks, says as he starts walking again with his Roller over his shoulder. "Dart, let's go and make repairs on this old thing." "Aye. I'm comin'." Dart looked back to Callie. "Gotta go. We'll catch up after the tournaments over." "Okayyy~! Have fun out there, and stop hiding your feelings darn it!" Callie spouted, immediately assuming something between Dart and Inks. "Callie!" Dart groaned, feeling a faint blush consuming her cheeks, though refused to let Inks see as they walked off.
So me and lalaraptor decided to do a Splatoon RP with my Inkling Inks and her Inkling Dart

I'm probably not as good at writing stuff correctly but I guess I'm good at leading people towards a place and mindfuck with cliffhangers.

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